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Mangkunegaran Al Wustho Mosque: History and Distinctive Architecture in Surakarta

Masjid Al Wustho, nestled among Surakarta's historic mosques, traces its roots back to the visionary initiative of KGPAA Mangkunegara I (1725-1795). O
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I. History

Masjid Al Wustho, nestled among Surakarta's historic mosques, traces its roots back to the visionary initiative of KGPAA Mangkunegara I (1725-1795). Originally named Masjid Mangkunegaran, it played a pivotal role in the early days of Surakarta's development.

1. Relocation and Royal Patronage:

   During the era of KGPAA Mangkunegara II (1796-1835), the mosque found a new home near Puro Mangkunegaran, symbolizing a strategic move and closer ties to the royal court. This relocation marked a shift in management to the dedicated servants of the palace, known as abdi dalem.

2. Modernization Efforts:

   In the early 20th century, under the reign of KGPAA Mangkunegara VII (1916-1944), the mosque underwent a modern transformation. The collaboration with Dutch architect Herman Thomas resulted in a synthesis of Javanese and European architectural styles, shaping the unique identity of Masjid Al Wustho.

3. Naming Ceremony:

   The mosque acquired its current name, Al Wustho, in 1949, bestowed by Bopo Panghulu Puro Mangkunegaran Raden Tumenggung KH. Imam Rosidi. This naming ceremony added another layer of significance to the mosque's historical narrative.

II. Architectural

Masjid Al Wustho stands as a testament to architectural brilliance, blending Javanese and European influences seamlessly.

1. Structural Overview

   Spanning an expansive 4,200 m², the mosque is encircled by a 3-meter-high curved wall. The front courtyard boasts a distinctive curved structure resembling a gunungan or dome, creating an aesthetic harmony.

2. Gateways and Calligraphy:

   The mosque's entrance gates, marked by their curvature, are adorned with Arabic calligraphy, showcasing the intersection of Islamic artistry and Javanese architectural finesse.

3. Markis or Kuncung Feature:

   Distinguishing itself from other Javanese mosques, Masjid Al Wustho introduces the "markis" or "kuncung" feature. Serving as the main entrance to the terrace, it incorporates three access points, each decorated with exquisite calligraphy, adding a layer of cultural richness.

4. Architectural Resonance:

   While drawing inspiration from Masjid Agung Demak and other Javanese mosques, Masjid Al Wustho elevates its distinctiveness through architectural nuances. The tiered roofs, porch, and unique features like the "beduk," "kentongan," and "mustaka" contribute to its architectural grandeur.

In conclusion, Masjid Al Wustho stands at the crossroads of history and architecture in Surakarta, embodying the legacy of Mangkunegaran while showcasing a unique blend of cultural influences. Its journey through time and its architectural splendor make it a cultural gem in the heart of Solo.

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