Fertility and Sexual Activity: Essential Adherence for Conception

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The Role of Orgasms in Conception

Whilst it is still in the realm of speculation that uterine contractions during an orgasm could assist in directing sperms toward the cervix, it is undeniable that orgasms generate a rush of oxytocin, stimulating feelings of relaxation. This reduction in stress, a significant barrier in the path of conception, intensifies chances of becoming pregnant, says Joanna Ellington, Ph.D., a reproductive physiologist featured in the British documentary, ‘The Great Sperm Race’. Furthermore, when an individual is wholly aroused, their body produces more ejaculate, suggesting that a pleasurable sexual experience could enhance your likelihood of conception.

Does Sexual Position Influence Chances of Conceiving?

Regardless of the position adopted during sex, sperms reach the cervical canal within seconds post-ejaculation, as asserted by ‘Optimizing natural fertility’, an opinion paper by the Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, in association with the Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. Thus, the path to conception is comfortable and pleasant with your preferred sexual position, according to Dr. Shari Brasner, an OB-GYN at New York City’s Mount Sinai Hospital. She further stresses the importance of comfort during intercourse and dispels the idea of it being needlessly uncomfortable or clumsy.

The Impact of Oral Sex on Conception

While it’s technically possible that saliva could alter the pH in your vaginal tract and interact with your cervical mucus, making it less welcoming to sperm, the likelihood of this reducing your chances of conceiving is low, unless your partner struggles with a low sperm count.

Implications of Hot Tub Intercourse When Trying to Get Pregnant

Standard factory settings heat hot tubs up to 104 degrees. Within the span of 10 to 20 minutes, this heat can elevate body temperature, including that of the testicles, to 102 degrees or higher, as explained by the American Pregnancy Association. High temperatures such as these can transiently affect sperm count and motility.

Does Gravity Affect Conception?

Can resting on your back with your hips lifted post-sex help conception? This belief may be prevalent, but it lacks a scientific base. However, if comfort is found in this position, you are encouraged to maintain it, opines Dr. Melissa M. Goist, a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at The Ohio State University Medical Center.

Significance of Lubricants in Enhancing Fertility

Your cervical mucus is designed to assist sperm mobility. However, lubricants can make intercourse more pleasurable, potentially improving your chances of becoming pregnant. If you consider using a lubricant, choose a fertility-friendly kind as regular ones could hamper the sperm’s movement through the reproductive tract.

Timing Conception Sex Accurately

Dr. Goist suggests that intercourse is best in the morning when both partners are rested. This timing aligns with nature’s replenishing cycle of lost sperm during sleep. Nevertheless, the particular day of sexual activity takes precedence over timing it accurately. Sperms can stay viable within the reproductive tract for up to five days, whereas an egg remains so only for 12-24 hours subsequent to ovulation. Therefore, the period of most probable conception is the day of ovulation or the five preceding days, recommends Dr. Rashmi Kudesia, an OB-GYN and a reproductive endocrinology and infertility specialist at Houston Methodist and Houston IVF. An individual can keep track of this “fertile window” with ovulation predictor kits, maintaining a menstrual diary, charting basal body temperature, monitoring cervical mucus, or using an online ovulation calculator.

How Frequently Should You Have Sex to Maximize Chances of Conceiving?

As long as your partner’s sperm count is normal, the maximal chances of conception are achieved by having sex every one to two days during the fertile window. However, the hectic pace of life could be a hurdle in following this regimen. It is crucial to not be disheartened by the intervening factors or if your life isn’t always perfectly scheduled. Remember, conception can take time: even under the best circumstances, young couples (under the age of 30) are likely to have only a 25% chance of conception per month. As age increases, this figure declines; for instance, couples in their 40s have less than a 5% chance of conceiving each month.